Twilio Admin

Twilio Admin application is a one-stop platform for managing and analyzing your Twilio data. Easily view Twilio logs, initiate swift communication actions and implement instant modifications all from one platform.

Overview of Twilio admin

Twilio being the premier platform for communication API, the effective management of its data is essential. The Twilio Admin, impeccably designed in UI Bakery, provides developers, technical people, CTOs, VPs of Engineering, Directors of Engineering an intuitive interface to effectively manage their communication data.

Highlights of Twilio admin

  • Thorough Log Table – An Organized Twilio Database Interface: View all your logs in a structured format. Columns displaying message content, recipient, status, and timestamp make data interpretation simple.
  • Initiate Communication Actions – Efficient Data Interaction: Jumpstart communication directly from the platform, leveraging the inherent abilities of Twilio API.
  • Detailed Log Insights In Real-time: Select a log and instantly see its detailed insights such as message delivery status, timestamp, and direction on the side card.
  • Quick Edit Capabilities for Immediate Data Management: Update essential message details right from the interface, ensuring your communication records are always precise and current.

How Twilio Admin template works?

UI Bakery enables you to transform your data into dynamic internal tools, leveraging a combination of pre-built and customized components.

Try UI Bakery
  • To initiate, click "Sign up".
  • Establish your organization and create app "From template"
  • Customize your generated application visually by intuitively dragging and dropping components and crafting queries for your resources.
  • Expand the capabilities of this application by linking to your personal database, kickstarting the development of robust internal tools.

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