Build AI Apps faster

Build custom apps using any AI model and your specific business data. With a single click, deploy these apps and securely share them with your users.

Try UI Bakery

Join thousands of other UI Bakers and unlock the UI Bakery AI Ecosystem for your business today

Build custom AI Apps and Workflows

Connect to Language Models (LLM), Computer Vision, and Speech Recognition APIs to develop AI assistants, recommendation systems, and any other custom AI tools your business requires.

UI Bakery AI Docs

Generate applications using a prompt

Don't start from scratch. Use the UI Bakery AI App Generator tool to create apps based on your data by simply specifying a single prompt. You can refine your ideas using follow-up prompts or convert them to a UI Bakery app for further visual development.

Generate App
Web apps in secondsWeb apps in seconds

Do it faster with UI Bakery AI Assistant

Utilize our smart chatbot, which is specifically trained on UI Bakery documentation, when you need assistance navigating the platform, debugging, identifying errors, or generating SQL, JavaScript, or Python code.

AI Assistant Tutorial
Generate Code
Debug and fix errors
Get the answers you need

Cloud and self-hosted

Whether you prefer convenience or have strict compliance requirements, UI Bakery is there to support you. Use UI Bakery cloud edition or self-host air-gapped edition in your private network.



Start building and shipping apps effortlessly with UI Bakery's Cloud option. Simply sign up for a cloud account, or schedule a call.

Check Cloud plans

Self-hosted (On-prem)

Need to meet specific compliance requirements? Use Docker containers with UI Bakery to deploy the platform directly in your environment.

Check On-prem plans