
Git version control

Empower your team with Git-based version control and let them be more productive, efficient, and safe when they work on your apps in parallel.

Try in UI Bakery
Git version control
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Everything you need for creating internal apps that are visually appealing and loved by your team.

You can effortlessly design business logic, utilizing either a visual approach or custom coding, and deploy your creation swiftly with just one click.

Unlock parallel work

Unlock parallel work

Let your internal tool developers make changes to the same app, same page, or even the same action in parallel by developing in separate branches. Merge changes using an easy-to-use YAML project model with your favorite merge tool. View and store the change history of your apps in git to easily roll back changes if something goes wrong.

Follow safe development practices

Only allow merging changes to the main development branch upon explicit approval. Create, review, and approve Pull Requests on GitHub, GitLab, or any other Git-based repository hosting. Follow git flow and safe development processes by doing code-, design-, and qa-reviews.

Follow safe development practices

Sync changes between UI Bakery instances

Use Git to push changes to a different UI Bakery instance located in a different environment even if those envs can’t be accessed from each other. Allow your developers to develop UI Bakery apps on their local machines and push changes to your apps only when they finish and test their features locally.

save changes between instances

x10 times faster
than classic development

The UI Bakery platform offers a cost-effective approach to creating applications. With UI Bakery, you can achieve your app development goals without breaking the bank.

See what they're saying
The service is easy to apprehend. We are really satisfied with the product and the support team is always quick to answer questions. What we liked the most was the speed to have a new user interface connected to data, and all the components which are easy to integrate.
Sylvain L. / Software Architect

Sylvain L. / Software Architect