API integrations

Integrate SendGrid with your internal tool via API

SendGrid is a cloud-based email delivery service. By integrating SendGrid API with UI Bakery, you can build internal tools to track, manage, and send emails. For more details, visit the SendGrid integration documentation.

Operations we support for SendGrid

Manipulate your data
Manipulate your data

Visualize the crucial statistics on your users. Personalize and send emails.

Manipulate your data
Modify datasets

Add new contacts to the list, insert and update the groups of data. Remove datasets.

Manipulate your data
Search your data

Search and filter SendGrid app data and data collections depending on your input.

Manipulate your data
Manage user access

Define the viewers & editors for your SendGrid app data. Limit access for particular users.

What you can build with UI Bakery

Explore the UI Bakery functionality to create a solution for your case on top of your database. Build an admin panel, a customer support app, an inventory management tool, or a data visualization app. Glue UI components, data sources, external APIs, and third-party services together in one app.