UI Bakeryvs. DronaHQapp
Created Feb 14, 2023
Updated Sep 24, 2023

UI Bakery
vs. DronaHQ

In-depth comparison comparison of two popular low-code platforms.

Low code platforms are becoming increasingly popular as they allow developers to build applications faster and more efficiently. Two popular options in this space are UI Bakery and DronaHQ. This article will compare the two platforms and explore their features, advantages, and limitations. Whether you are a seasoned developer or just starting out, will find valuable insights about which platform is best suited for your needs.

1. Pricing

Both of the products offer free plans with limited features and paid plans with advanced features.

DronaHQ pricing structure is favorable for startups and small businesses, but its unpredictability may hinder its suitability for growing businesses.


Both tools offer competitive pricing models. While DronaHQ could be cheaper for very small businesses, it becomes more expensive and non-predictable once you start adding more users.

UI Bakery

  • UI Bakery

    UI Bakery offers both a free version with basic features for less than 5 users and paid versions with more advanced features.
    The pricing for the paid versions starts from $10 per user per month to $40 per user per month.
    Shared Permission Group is available from Business plan.

  • UI Bakery

    The self-hosted version of UI Bakery presents four pricing tiers: a free option, two standard plans, and an Enterprise plan with flexible pricing. While the free version is entirely complimentary, it comes with restricted features and user limits. Starting with the standard plan, it supports over 5 users, and the Business plan introduces the Shared Permission Group. The Enterprise plan's cost is tailored based on the specific needs of the customer.
    To calculate the pricing for a particular use case, schedule a call with UI Bakery tech expert.

  • UI Bakery

    Enterprise prices are visible and predictable.

  • Retool

    DronaHQ has several options of pricing for self-hosted version.

    From $0 to $28 per user per month and flexible price for very large businesses. Certainly, the free plan offers an appealing self-hosted option for developers, however, like with other offerings from DronaHQ, the other plans lack predictability.

  • Retool

    DronaHQ offers a basic, free version as well as premium paid options with advanced features.

    The cost for the premium version ranges from $12 to $28 per user per month, and a discount is available for annual plans. They also have customized price for very large businesses.

2. UI building experience

Both tools employ a similar approach for designing interfaces, using drag-and-drop functionality to assemble components within a layout system based on columns.

Working area and canvas

UI Bakery boasts a more fine-tuned control over dimensions due to its more frequent layout on working area and in cards. 


  • UI Bakery

    UI Bakery uses 24-column layout.

  • Retool

    DronaHQ uses 24-column layout.

Adding a component to a card

In UI Bakery, working with components is more elaborate. Components do not overlap each other and can be easily added to cards. While overlapping components may seem useful, it may can issues when trying to change the layout of an  existing application. On the other hand, UI Bakery's method helps you quickly move components to an empty space and make room for new components.

UI Bakery

  • UI Bakery

    If the component is too large to fit in the card, it will shift the other components and cause a scrollbar to appear.

  • Retool

    Сomponents do not shift each other at all, they overlap each other in all cases.

Development mode

UI Bakery offers a user-friendly and easy-to-use interface for building UI with a dark theme, making it more comfortable for developers during the development process. Additionally, UI Bakery uses standard and widely-accepted terminology for functionality, features, and interface elements, making the learning process less frustrating and confusing.

UI Bakery

  • UI Bakery

    Dark theme.The dark theme in UI building helps to distinguish the developer interface from the user interface and is easier on the eyes when used regularly.

  • UI Bakery

    Functionality is clearly labeled and widely used by developers in both the general programming field and in low-code environments.

ui bakery app
  • Retool

    Standard light theme.

  • Retool

    The interface is too light for people eyes and some settings are arranged in a chaotic manner.

  • Retool

    There are too many small sidebars and panels, making the layout cluttered and confusing.

  • Retool

    In DronaHQ, some functionality and components are labeled differently than expected, which may cause confusion for those migrating from other platforms. (Connectors (DronaHQ) - datasources, controls (DronaHQ) - components, etc.)

dronahq app


DronaHQ currently offers a broader range of templates, however, it's worth noting that these templates are only a set of visual design without any embedded logic.
UI Bakery offer templates that come with functionality and could be used as a starting point or a reference for a real app.

rather UI Bakery

  • UI Bakery

    UI Bakery provides 20+ templates.

  • Retool

    DronaHQ provides 20+ templates.

3. UI library and component design

While it might seem that UI Bakery has less components, in reality, lots of components DronaHQ offers, could be created using UI Bakery’s components panel settings. For instance, DronaHQ has each type of chart as separate component (Line, Bar, Donut, Area). UI Bakery has a single chart component and a setting that allows to configure the chart's type as well as provide the ability to configure custom configuration supported by eCharts library. Another example is DronaHQ card controls. In UI Bakery, it is possible to achieve the same type of layouts and many other by using a configurable Card control

Component library

While it is true that Retool is ahead in this aspect, it is noteworthy that UI Bakery offers a comprehensive selection of the most commonly-used and highly-requested data sources, third-party services, and APIs.

rather DronaHQ

  • UI Bakery

    70+ components available.

  • UI Bakery

    There is a feature that allows for convenient searching of components and grouping them by meaning.

  • UI Bakery

    Adding of component can be by two ways: by clicking and by drag-n-dropping on a working area.

  • UI Bakery

    Custom component available.

  • Retool

    119 components available.

  • Retool

    Efficiently search for and organize components by their purpose.

  • Retool

    Components can be added in two ways: by clicking and by dragging and dropping onto the work area.

  • Retool

    Custom JS component is available.

End-user design

It is worth noting that the components in UI Bakery are visually smaller, and their scale is better balanced. This allows more components to fit on the screen. For instance, in the provided examples, the dashboard of UI Bakery is compact and doesn't require scrolling, while the dashboard of DronaHQ doesn't fit the screen and requires vertical scrolling.

UI Bakery

uib end-user mode
dronahq end-user mode

4. Developer experience (Actions & logic)

The tools have similar development experience, but UI Bakery’s is better in several aspects. They are related to debugging apps and building more advanced multi-step logic. This is really important when application is getting more complex.

Action steps variety and flexibility

Both tools provide all the necessary action steps. Yet again, DronaHQ has a visually larger actions quantity, but UI Bakery actions are way more configurable.

UI Bakery

  • UI Bakery

    Custom code - a very flexible action step that allows to interact with other actions, UI components, do data mappings, etc

  • Following action types are supported:

    • UI Bakery

      Datasource actions

    • Table actions

    • Show notification

    • Execute another action step

    • Conditions

    • Loops

    • Navigation

    • Etc.

  • Action types are highly configurable

  • Multiple action steps within a single action

  • Auto triggers for actions 

  • Retool

    Custom code - available but can be used mostly for data manipulations

  • Auto-triggers for actions

  • Following action types are supported:

    • UI Bakery

      Datasource actions

    • Navigation actions

    • Mobile-specific actions

    • Utility actions

    • Loops

    • Navigation

    • Etc

Development & debugging

UI Bakery has a lot more convenient development flow.

UI Bakery

  • UI Bakery

    Actions panel containing all of the actions used across apps.

  • Action folders.

  • Action scope: global and page-specific.

  • Reusable actions between the different apps.

  • Auto-triggers for actions.

  • Extended action logs.

  • Extended action performance information.

  • Retool

    No convenient way to view all of the actions for the app.

  • Actions are component-specific only which makes it impossible to reuse them anywhere.

  • Logs - only on the connector level.

  • Performance information - only on the connector level.

  • Action type list сan be confusing because of the large number of actions, that hide inside different panels and user-flows.

Scheduled CRON jobs and webhooks

Both tools provide the ability to create server-side workflow automations using a variety of data sources, including SQL databases and HTTP APIs. These automations can be triggered through webhooks and scheduled using cron-like jobs.


  • UI Bakery

    Through Automations feature.

  • Retool

    Through Automations feature.


Both tools provide ability to use multiple environments.


  • UI Bakery

    With UI Bakery's environments feature, you can maintain multiple app versions within a single UI Bakery instance or by utilizing multiple self-hosted instances for separate environments.

  • Retool

    The DronaHQ environments feature allows for the upkeep of multiple app versions within a single DronaHQ instance, or it can be achieved through separate instances by using multiple self-hosted instances.


Both tools provide information about performance of published apps.

rather UI Bakery

  • UI Bakery

    Great performance of the builder and published apps.

  • Retool

    Moderate performance of the builder and published apps.

Custom Libraries

Both tools provide possibility to import custom JS libraries.


  • UI Bakery

    There are several embedded libraries. Additional can be added through the App settings.

  • Retool

    You can import libraries in the form of JavaScript or CSS files when you have external dependencies that need to be imported into your app.

6. Workspace management and users

Currently, UI Bakery's user management is better organized and has more advanced features than DronaHQ.

Roles management

Currently, UI Bakery boasts a more advanced level of roles management.

UI Bakery

  • UI Bakery

    UI Bakery has three pre-defined roles (admin, editor, user) as standard options and the ability to create additional roles with fine-tuned access to data sources and applications. The option to create custom roles is only available in the Team plan.

  • Retool

    DronaHQ has three pre-defined roles (administrator, creator, end-user). Custom roles available on enterprise plan only.

Audit logs

Both tools provide audit logs for enhanced administrative control.

rather UI Bakery

  • UI Bakery

    Audit logs for more admin control. Available on Team plan.

  • Retool

    Audit logs for more admin control. Available on Enterprise plan.

Integrations with external analytics and logging solutions

UI Bakery provides integration with different external analytical tools.

UI Bakery

  • UI Bakery

    Can be integrated with Datadog, Google Analytics 4, etc.

  • Retool

    NO external analytics solutions.

7. On-premises experience

Both apps have self-hosted versions.


Both apps have self-hosted versions, providing users with the option to host and manage the tools on their own servers for added security and control. UI Bakery has far more easier installation flow for self-hosted version


  • UI Bakery

    To try self-hosted version of UI Bakery, you can obtain a 14-day license key by copying and executing a CURL command. UI Bakery is delivered as a set of Docker containers that can be deployed using tools such as docker-compose or Kubernetes.

  • Retool

    DronaHQ self-Hosted installation steps are as below:

    • UI Bakery

      Create an account on the portal of Self-hosted DronaHQ 62 website and log in to it.

    • You will receive a bash command.

    • Copy and paste the command into your system’s terminal.

    • This will download all the necessary files and libraries and thereafter will extract them.

    • Your self-hosted on-prem version of DronaHQ will start running on the localhost:8080.

    • Simply activate it and it will be ready to use.

8. Releases & version control

Both apps have git version control in release.

Git version control

Both UI Bakery and DronaHQ offer integration with Git control, which facilitates version management and collaboration within teams.


  • UI Bakery

    By connecting to a Git repository, multiple users can develop apps in parallel. Changes can then be pushed to the Git repo and undergo code review before being merged into the default protected main branch.

  • Retool

    DronaHQ provides similar experience with Git version control.

9. Onboarding process and studying materials

Both DronaHQ and UI Bakery come with comprehensive documentation that includes examples, which assists users in understanding how to effectively and efficiently utilize the tools.


Both DronaHQ and UI Bakery offer an onboarding process, each with its own unique approach. DronaHQ provides a four-step guide with video links, while UI Bakery features a well-organized sequence of screens to guide the user through the familiarization process.


  • UI Bakery

    UI Bakery has an unconventional onboarding process. Its screens and the first-time login flow are designed to facilitate a smooth introduction and ease of familiarity with the app by minimizing any discomfort.

  • Retool

    To get started with DronaHQ, there is a 4-step process. The user should follow the steps and watch the videos to learn about the app.

Studying materials

Both tools provide educational resources for learning how to use the applications, but UI Bakery offers a more personalized approach to customer support, while DronaHQ places more importance on community involvement and user self-sufficiency.

rather UI Bakery

  • UI Bakery

    Excellent customer support and documentation are provided, including videos on YouTube. Enterprise customers have access to a shared Slack channel where they can receive real-time engineering assistance.

  • Retool

    Excelent documentation. Has community and discord. Tutorials in videos on Yotube.

  • Retool

    BUT: If you have used low-code tools before, it might be necessary to use DronaHQ's tutorials and support. This is because DronaHQ works differently and has unique terms compared to other similar tools.

10. Security

Both tools offer similar level of security measures they take to ensure that customer's data source credentials do not get exposed.

Security and compliance

Both tools offer encryption of data source credentials, which is crucial for this type of platform.

rather Retool

  • UI Bakery

    UI Bakery implements multiple security measures including the encryption of data source credentials. The full list can be found at https://docs.uibakery.io/security.

    UI Bakery self-hosted version can be provided as air-gapped solution.

  • Retool

    DronaHQ securely encrypts all database credentials and keeps them safe.

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UI Bakery vs. Retool

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