SSN regex

SSN regex

SSN stands for social security number and is issued to US citizens, permanent and temporary residents.

SSN regex

This number has the following rules:

  • consists of 9 digits and usually divided by 3 parts by hyphen (XXX-XX-XXXX).
  • The first part can not be 000, 666, or between 900-900.
  • Second part can not be 00
  • Third part can not be 0000

Below is a simple SSN regular expression that is divided by hyphens.

  • If you want to make hyphens optional, put ? after each dash
  • If you want to validate SSN without hyphens - just remove them

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Example code in Python:

import re

# Validate SSN
ssn_validate_pattern = "^(?!666|000|9\\d{2})\\d{3}-(?!00)\\d{2}-(?!0{4})\\d{4}$"
re.match(ssn_validate_pattern, "000-22-3333") # None
re.match(ssn_validate_pattern, "100-22-3333") # Returns Match object

# Extract ssn from a string
extract_ssn_pattern = "(?!666|000|9\\d{2})\\d{3}-(?!00)\\d{2}-(?!0{4})\\d{4}"
re.findall(extract_ssn_pattern, 'My SSN is 100-22-3333') # returns ['100-22-3333']
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