Predictable price

When you start and when you scale.

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per user


per developer
Sign up
Free plan contains:
Unlimited apps, pages, client actions, data sources
Up to 5 users
Modules & Actions Library
Mobile Responsive Apps
AI capabilies
1000 scheduled job/webhook/server action executions per month
Community support


per user


per developer


per user


per developer
Sign up
Everything in Free, plus:
Add more than 5 users
User Roles (admin, editor, user)
App and data source Environments
Release history
Online chat/ email support


Pricing that adjusts to match the growth of your business.

Contact us
Everything in Business, plus:
Git version-control
Embedded Apps
Dedicated VM in region of your choice
Custom domain and white-labelling
Dedicated support
Custom SSO (SAML, OpenID)
App Migration & Custom Development Services
Contact our team


per user


per developer
Free plan contains:
Unlimited scheduled jobs/webhooks
Unlimited apps, pages, client actions, data sources
Up to 5 users
Modules & Actions Library
Mobile Responsive Apps
AI capabilies
Community support


per user


per developer


per user


per developer
Try for Free
Everything in Free, plus:
Add more than 5 users
User Roles (admin, editor, user)
App and data source Environments
Release history
Online chat/ email support


Pricing that adjusts to match the growth of your business.

Contact us
Everything in Business, plus:
Git version-control
Embedded Apps
Dedicated support
Custom SSO (SAML, OpenID)
App Migration & Custom Development Services
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Costs & Limits
User seat price
An End-User is a User who is assigned User Roles that do not grant them the ability to edit apps, automations, data sources, and at least one of these roles does not have Shared Permission Group type.
€0/month (annually)
€4/month (annually)
€9/month (annually)
Developer seat price
A Developer is a user who has been assigned at least one role that grants them permissions to edit one or more apps, automations, or data sources.
€0/month (annually)
€9/month (annually)
€35/month (annually)
Unlimited seats 💫
Unlimited seats available as a Shared Permission Group. It is a special type of custom user role that can include only use- permissions. If an End-User is assigned User Roles of the Shared Permission Group type, they are not counted towards the total number of paid End-User seats.Read more about Shared Permission Groups in FAQ section.
€230/month (annually)
Max Users
The maximum number of users allowed to work within the UI Bakery workspace.
An app is a combination of pages, actions, and components designed to address specific business problems for one or multiple users.
A page is a composition of components and actions utilized to accomplish a specific task within an app.
Data sources
A data source serves as a link between UI Bakery and a data provider, which could be an SQL database, an HTTP API, a 3rd-party service, or similar.
Client action executions
Client actions are executed in the browser context. They can read and write data from data sources, interact with UI elements, and access client metadata. If a client action contains multiple steps, each step will return data to the client before proceeding to the next.
A module is a self-contained combination of components and actions capable of accepting parameters and triggering events. Modules can be reused within other modules and apps.
Custom JavaScript/Python code
The ability to write custom code using JavaScript or Python
Custom components
The capability to incorporate third-party JavaScript UI components and utilize them within the platform.
Actions Library
The Actions Library offers the ability to reuse business logic across various actions in different apps, scheduled jobs, and webhooks.
Mobile Responsive Apps
The capability to customize component positioning, sizes, and display across various screen sizes.
Scheduled Jobs/Webhooks
The option to initiate UI Bakery Actions at specific times and/or through HTTP APIs by other services.
The option to initiate UI Bakery Actions at specific times and/or through HTTP APIs by other services.
1000 executions/month ($50 per extra 5000)
5000 Automation executions/month ($50 per extra 5000)
5000 Automation executions/month ($50 per extra 5000)
Unlimited within the deployment
Server Actions
A server action is a special type of app action that is executed entirely on the backend. It can receive parameters as input but cannot access UI components during execution. These actions are typically used when additional security or validation is required.
The option to initiate UI Bakery Actions at specific times and/or through HTTP APIs by other services.
Shared limit with Scheduled Jobs/Webhooks
Shared limit with Scheduled Jobs/Webhooks
Shared limit with Scheduled Jobs/Webhooks
Unlimited within the deployment
App and Data Source Environments
The capability to switch between different app versions and specify distinct data source connection settings for each.
Release History
The capability to view the complete history of all released versions within a single app.
Git Version Control
The ability to synchronize the app model with a Git repository, work with branches for concurrent development, and synchronize changes between different instances of UI Bakery.
UI Bakery Database
UI Bakery-hosted PostgreSQL database with a visual structure and data editor.
Dedicated, in the region of your choice
AI Capabilities
AI Datasource with streaming support
A hosted GPT-based UI Bakery AI datasource with the ability to stream responses as they are being generated, and the option to replace the hosted solution with your own.
AI Actions
Native support for common AI operations, including text generation, summarization, classification, extraction, and more.
AI UI components
The most commonly used components for building AI apps, including chat.
AI Assistant
GPT-based Assistant that offers guidance on UI Bakery development, assists in debugging issues, and generates custom code.
AI App Generator
A tool for generating functional apps based on data structure using prompts.
Execution Environment
If you are sharing computation resources with other UI Bakery clients for the development and execution of your apps.
Dedicated, in the region of your choice
Incorporating UI Bakery into your existing website/application, with or without Single Sign-On (SSO).
Public Apps
Apps that can be accessed without requiring a login.
Multi Instance Deployments
Isolating UI Bakery environments on a physical level through deployment on separate virtual machines (VMs) or clusters.
Security and Audit
User Roles
The capability to create and assign a specific set of permissions to users.
Unlimited seats 💫
Unlimited seats available as Shared Permission Group is a special type of custom user role that can include only use- permissions. If an End-User is assigned User Roles of the Shared Permission Group type, they are not counted towards the total number of paid End-User seats.Read more about Shared Permission Groups in FAQ section.
Audit logs
The ability to store the history of user actions for auditing purposes.
SSO (Okta, Azure AD, SAML, OpenID, oAuth 2.0)
Integration with Single-Sign-On providers.
SSO role mapping
Mapping and/or automated creation of Single Sign-On (SSO) roles/groups to UI Bakery User Roles.
SCIM 2.0
User provisioning and sync through SCIM protocol.
Instance usage and performance metrics.
Integration with external user analytics providers
The ability to include external third-party scripts to track user behaviour.
Customization and White Labelling
Custom Themes
Ability to configure the common look and feel of UI Bakery components.
Ability to remove UI Bakery logo for End-User mode.
Custom domain
Deploying UI Bakery to a customer-agreed specific domain.
Community support
Assistance, resources, and encouragement within our community ( to help individuals overcome challenges and thrive.
Online chat/ email support
Help and resolving customer issues through real-time messaging or email communication.
Dedicated support
Shared Slack Channel and/or possibility to troubleshoot issues with UI Bakery development team.
Custom integrations and widgets
Priority development of custom components and/or integrations.
App Migration & Custom Development Services
Development of your apps using UI Bakery engineers.


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Costs & Limits
User seat price
An End-User is a User who is assigned User Roles that do not grant them the ability to edit apps, automations, data sources, and at least one of these roles does not have Shared Permission Group type.
$0/month (annually)
€4/month (annually)
€9/month (annually)
Developer seat price
A Developer is a user who has been assigned at least one role that grants them permissions to edit one or more apps, automations, or data sources.
$0/month (annually)
€9/month (annually)
€35/month (annually)
Shared Permission Group
A Shared Permission Group is a special type of custom user role that can include only use- permissions. If an End-User is assigned User Roles of the Shared Permission Group type, they are not counted towards the total number of paid End-User seats.Read more about Shared Permission Groups in FAQ section.
€230/month (annually)
Max Users
The maximum number of users allowed to work within the UI Bakery workspace.
An app is a combination of pages, actions, and components designed to address specific business problems for one or multiple users.
A page is a composition of components and actions utilized to accomplish a specific task within an app.
Data sources
A data source serves as a link between UI Bakery and a data provider, which could be an SQL database, an HTTP API, a 3rd-party service, or similar.
Client action executions
Client actions are executed in the browser context. They can read and write data from data sources, interact with UI elements, and access client metadata. If a client action contains multiple steps, each step will return data to the client before proceeding to the next.
A module is a self-contained combination of components and actions capable of accepting parameters and triggering events. Modules can be reused within other modules and apps.
Custom JavaScript/Python code
The ability to write custom code using JavaScript or Python
Custom components
The capability to incorporate third-party JavaScript UI components and utilize them within the platform.
Actions Library
The Actions Library offers the ability to reuse business logic across various actions in different apps, scheduled jobs, and webhooks.
Mobile Responsive Apps
The capability to customize component positioning, sizes, and display across various screen sizes.
Scheduled Jobs/Webhooks
The option to initiate UI Bakery Actions at specific times and/or through HTTP APIs by other services.
The option to initiate UI Bakery Actions at specific times and/or through HTTP APIs by other services.
Server Actions
A server action is a special type of app action that is executed entirely on the backend. It can receive parameters as input but cannot access UI components during execution. These actions are typically used when additional security or validation is required because server action's code is not exposed to end user.
The option to initiate UI Bakery Actions at specific times and/or through HTTP APIs by other services.
App and Data Source Environments
The capability to switch between different app versions and specify distinct data source connection settings for each.
Release History
The capability to view the complete history of all released versions within a single app.
Git Version Control
The ability to synchronize the app model with a Git repository, work with branches for concurrent development, and synchronize changes between different instances of UI Bakery.
UI Bakery Database
UI Bakery-embedded PostgreSQL database with a visual structure and data editor.
AI Capabilities
AI Datasource with streaming support
A hosted GPT-based UI Bakery AI datasource with the ability to stream responses as they are being generated, and the option to replace the hosted solution with your own.
AI Actions
Native support for common AI operations, including text generation, summarization, classification, extraction, and more.
AI UI components
The most commonly used components for building AI apps, including chat.
AI Assistant
GPT-based Assistant that offers guidance on UI Bakery development, assists in debugging issues, and generates custom code.
AI App Generator
A tool for generating functional apps based on data structure using prompts.
Incorporating UI Bakery into your existing website/application, with or without Single Sign-On (SSO).
Public Apps
Apps that can be accessed without requiring a login.
Multi Instance Deployments
Isolating UI Bakery environments on a physical level through deployment on separate virtual machines (VMs) or clusters.
Air-Gapped Editon
Security and Audit
User Roles
The capability to create and assign a specific set of permissions to users.
Shared permission group
A Shared Permission Group is a special type of custom user role that can include only use- permissions. If an End-User is assigned User Roles of the Shared Permission Group type, they are not counted towards the total number of paid End-User seats.Read more about Shared Permission Groups in FAQ section.
Audit logs
The ability to store the history of user actions for auditing purposes.
SSO (Okta, Azure AD, SAML, OpenID, oAuth 2.0)
Integration with Single-Sign-On providers.
SSO role mapping
Mapping and/or automated creation of Single Sign-On (SSO) roles/groups to UI Bakery User Roles.
SCIM 2.0
User provisioning and sync through SCIM protocol.
Integration with external user analytics providers
The ability to include external third-party scripts to track user behaviour.
Customization and White Labelling
Custom Themes
Ability to configure the common look and feel of UI Bakery components.
Ability to remove UI Bakery logo for End-User mode.
Community support
Assistance, resources, and encouragement within our community ( to help individuals overcome challenges and thrive.
Online chat/ email support
Help and resolving customer issues through real-time messaging or email communication.
Dedicated support
Shared Slack Channel and/or possibility to troubleshoot issues with UI Bakery development team.
Custom integrations and widgets
Priority development of custom components and/or integrations.
App Migration & Custom Development Services
Development of your apps using UI Bakery engineers.

FAQ: Get the answer you need

Not sure which pricing option suits you best? Need any clarification regarding the UI Bakery pricing model? Check the FAQ section, or write to

What am I paying for in UI Bakery?

In UI Bakery, you're charged based on the number of users. There are different prices for Developers and End-Users. However, if you're on the Business plan or a higher tier and use Shared Permission Groups, your fee might become fixed and not change with the number of end-users.

How does a Shared Permission Group let me invite an unlimited number of end-users for a fixed price?

The Shared Permission Group is a special type of custom user role in UI Bakery. It can only be given the "use" permission for apps and data sources. If you assign end-users only this role, they won't be included in your count of paid End-User seats. This means that if you have a large group needing the same permissions, you can use a single Shared Permission Group for them. Just remember, you need to buy each Shared Permission Group separately.

Do I have to pay for each role I create if I need really granular permissions?

No, if you require really granular permissions, you don't have to use Shared Permission Groups. You can simply assign standard user roles to all your End-Users, and they will be considered as paid End-User seats.

Can I use both Shared Permission Groups and Paid end-user seats together?

Yes, you definitely can. In fact, this is our recommended approach to create an efficient billing strategy. As a general guideline, if your user group is over 25 and expanding, using Shared Permission Groups makes a lot of sense.

Can I self-host UI Bakery?

Yes. If you need to achieve a better data security level, you can download UI Bakery and keep it in your own VPC/VPN. The setup takes minutes.

Do I need to be a developer to use UI Bakery?

To take full advantage of UI Bakery, you need to have a general understanding of how web apps work, how to make requests to servers, use variables, modify JavaScript snippets. Frontend development skills are not essential.

Are there any limitations I should be aware of?

You’re not locked in by the current platform functionality. You can develop your own components using React or plain JavaScript. Connect any third-party library like moment.js or lodash to extend the built-in functionality. Embed the created apps into your existing solution, or host the on-premise version of UI Bakery on your own VPS or in the cloud.

x10 times faster
than classic development

The UI Bakery platform offers a cost-effective approach to creating applications. With UI Bakery, you can achieve your app development goals without breaking the bank.

See what they're saying
The service is easy to apprehend. We are really satisfied with the product and the support team is always quick to answer questions. What we liked the most was the speed to have a new user interface connected to data, and all the components which are easy to integrate.

Sylvain L. / Software Architect

UI Bakery is a very good tool for highly skilled frontend developers to speed up the development of custom interfaces for custom systems. It especially speeds up iteration, which is a very big part of producing actual ready-to-use in real world applications.

Mykola B. / CEO | Owner

Easy to integrate with Firebase Database. Intuitive and elegant user interface. Complete documentation online. Excellent technical support that has always been available to advance my projects.

Jose P. / Engineer