Ultra Clean Holdings Cuts Development Time by 75% with UI Bakery’s Low-Code Platform

Over 75%

Time saved

10 devs

Team size

3 apps

Applications built

The Challenge

The Challenge

Ultra Clean Holdings, Inc. is a key player in the semiconductor industry, providing critical subsystems, components, and ultra-high purity cleaning and analytical services. Their comprehensive approach includes everything from prototyping to high-precision manufacturing. The UCT Services Division, which specializes in tool chamber parts cleaning and coating, serves some of the biggest names in the semiconductor sector.

Their primary responsibility includes overseeing the development of internal tools that drive operational efficiency across the company.

UCT manages multiple systems that leverage diverse data sources, which created the need for powerful internal tools to manage and configure backend data without exposing databases directly to users. Initially, the company relied on Retool to build these tools, but limitations in flexibility and features prompted a shift.

One of the primary challenges was the extended development time. Traditional development lifecycles stretched the process, with the development team often overwhelmed by maintenance and small updates.

Key Challenges:

  • Prolonged development times
  • Inflexibility with existing tools
  • Burden on the development team to handle backend configuration and compliance requirements

The Solution

With UI Bakery, UCT has been able to build a suite of internal tools that streamline operations. The apps have become critical to the company's daily activities, allowing both technical and non-technical users to access, configure, and audit backend data without compromising security or compliance.

Notable Apps Built with UI Bakery:

  1. Self-Service Portal:
    Provides users with the ability to perform backend configurations without direct database access. These actions are logged and audited, taking the burden off the development team and ensuring compliance.
  2. Order Entry Forms:
    Streamlines data input into shop floor systems, significantly improving both speed and accuracy in order processing.
  3. Compliance Interface:
    Allows the compliance team to audit and manage system configurations more effectively.

The Result

The Result

The adoption of UI Bakery has transformed UCT’s internal processes, cutting development time by over 75%. Instead of weeks, the team now builds apps in just a few days. This has led to massive savings in both time and man-hours, allowing the team to reallocate resources to higher-impact projects.

We have been able to save time, money and ultimately aggravation utilizing this tool. UI Bakery has allowed us to reconfigure our resources and reduce our man hours required for development.

Key Results:

  • 75% reduction in development time
  • Hundreds of man-hours saved
  • Enhanced efficiency across multiple departments

The team’s experience with UI Bakery has been overwhelmingly positive, with the system providing all the tools and flexibility they need. Regular updates and improvements have only added to the platform’s value, ensuring UCT remains agile in their app development.

What They Loved:

  • Continuous improvements and updates
  • Intuitive low-code environment
  • Significant time and cost savings

Final Thoughts

Ultra Clean Holdings, Inc. has fully embraced UI Bakery, not only for its current feature set but also for the potential it offers for future expansion. The company has set new goals to expand its use of the platform, continually pushing the boundaries of what they can achieve with internal tools.

With plans to further integrate UI Bakery into more workflows, UCT looks forward to continuing its collaboration with the UI Bakery team.

UI Bakery is a great system, it has everything that we needed in a low code / no code product. Our overall experience has been wonderful and I would highly recommend the system.

x10 times faster
than classic development

The UI Bakery platform offers a cost-effective approach to creating applications. With UI Bakery, you can achieve your app development goals without breaking the bank.

See what they're saying
Daniel M. / Director of Software Development

Before switching to UI Bakery we developed a number of apps within the Retool system. The Retool system was good but ultimately did not have the flexibility and feature sets that we required.