SQL Server Admin

The SQL Server Admin allows a holistic approach to managing and analyzing your SQL server data. It offers efficient data view, search, analysis, and modification functions from a user-friendly interface.

Overview of SQL Server Admin

SQL Server admin, designed with UI Bakery, brings a user-friendly interface for database administrators, business users, and data analysts. Gain easy access to SQL Server data, simplify complex tasks, and improve productivity.

Key Features of SQL Server Admin

  • Structured Order Table – Simplified SQL Server Data Interaction: Navigate through your orders in a clear, structured format. Columns representing the Customer's Name, Order #, Order Date, Shipped Date, and Order status simplify data comprehension.
  • Powerful Search Capabilities – Quick Data Retrieval: Efficiently search through extensive data to locate specific information. This feature drastically simplifies data interaction.
  • Detailed Insights at a Glance: Click on an order to reveal comprehensive details like its value, the number of items, and the shipping date. A visually engaging chart displays revenue by product, enabling faster decision-making.
  • Real-time Data editing: Users can update crucial order data such as the order date, shipped date, and status directly from the interface, ensuring accurate and up-to-date databases.

How SQL Server Admin template works?

UI Bakery enables you to transform your data into dynamic internal tools, leveraging a combination of pre-built and customized components.

Try UI Bakery
  • To initiate, click "Sign up".
  • Establish your organization and create app "From template"
  • Customize your generated application visually by intuitively dragging and dropping components and crafting queries for your resources.
  • Expand the capabilities of this application by linking to your personal database, kickstarting the development of robust internal tools.

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